Cookies policy

At Uy qué lindo we use cookies and other tracking technologies on our website and applications in various ways. That is why we believe it is important to explain what cookies are and why we use them. We have described all the details below, so we recommend that you read our policy carefully to better understand how we use cookies and what your options are. We value your privacy, so we always handle any personal data collected in accordance with the Privacy Policy. Oops privacy how nice. You will find definitions of terms in capital letters in our Terms of Use. If you want more information about what use we make of cookies, send us an e-mail to Your consent applies exclusively to the domain:🍪

What are cookies?

Una cookie es un pequeño fragmento de datos que se introduce en el navegador de tu ordenador o dispositivo móvil. Las cookies utilizan diferentes métodos para publicar o leer datos en los dispositivos de los usuarios, como tu ordenador, portátil, tablet o smartphone. Lo hacen para ayudarnos a reconocer tu dispositivo o almacenar tus preferencias. Las cookies más conocidas son pequeños archivos (de texto) que se almacenan en los dispositivos y que pueden volver a identificarse en una fase posterior. También utilizamos otras técnicas de seguimiento, como javascript, web beacons (etiquetas) (pequeños bloques de código instalados en una página web, aplicación o anuncio que pueden recuperar cierta información sobre el dispositivo y el navegador que utilizas), o las huellas dactilares del dispositivo, los identificadores de dispositivos móviles y las URL de seguimiento. En esta Política sobre Cookies, nos referimos a todas estas tecnologías como «cookies».

How long do the cookies of Uy que lindo remain active?

Las cookies que utilizamos varían en su vida útil. Una «cookie de sesión» expirará al cerrar tu navegador, mientras que una «cookie persistente» permanecerá en tu dispositivo durante más tiempo.

What cookies do we use?

Our cookies serve different purposes, as specified below. To find out what cookies we use, see our

descripción general de cookies.

cookielawinfo-checkbox-analyticsThis cookie is set by the GDPR cookie consent plugin. The cookie is used to store user consent for cookies in the "Analytics" category.
cookielawinfo-checkbox-functionalThe cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin to record the user's consent for cookies in the "Functional" category.
cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessaryThis cookie is set by the GDPR cookie consent plugin. Cookies are used to store user consent for cookies in the "Required" category.
cookielawinfo-checkbox-othersThis cookie is set by the GDPR cookie consent plugin. The cookie is used to store user consent for cookies in the "Other" category.
cookielawinfo-checkbox-performanceThis cookie is set by the GDPR cookie consent plugin. The cookie is used to store user consent for cookies in the "Performance" category.
viewed_cookie_policyThese cookies help to display and disable our cookie banner and ensure that our cookie banner does not appear during each visit.
Functional cookies.Functional cookies are cookies that are necessary for the operation of our Online Platform. These cookies help us to provide our services according to your preferences, helping you to have a better experience in Uy qué lindo. There is, for example, a cookie that makes sure you stay logged in. This means you don't have to continually log in every time you go to a new page. These cookies also help us remember how you use certain features (for example, batches you've marked as interesting) and account settings (for example, language or display settings). We do not require your consent to insert these cookies when you visit the Online Platform or use the relevant features. However, these cookies do not collect any identifying data.
Analysis and research cookies. These cookies capture the way you use Oops how cute. We use the information from these cookies to analyze the use of our Online Platform and determine what causes errors. In general, analytical and research cookies are used to:
  • Track the number of users on our Online Platform
  • Track the time you spend on our Online Platform
  • Track the order in which different web pages are viewed
  • Decide which parts of our Online Platform need improvement
  • Show you opinion pollsUnderstand what type of user you are
Marketing cookies and social networks. We use marketing cookies to understand what you like and how you behave on our Online Platform. We track your behavior so we can get an idea of your preferences, store the ID numbers of the auctions you click on, and show you lots that match your interests. Third parties also place marketing cookies on Uy que lindo. This helps them show you personalized advertisements on third-party websites, based on your behavior on our Online Platform. In our cookie overview below, you will find the third parties that place marketing cookies when you visit Oops, how cute.
In addition, marketing cookies keep track of the advertisements you have already seen, to ensure that you do not see the same advertisements all the time. They also check if you have clicked on an ad. Uy qué lindo and third parties use cookies for social networks and our Online Platform can integrate third party plugins (such as the Facebook 'Like' button).
You can always choose to disable these cookies using the settings below. If you wish to delete third party analytics, research or marketing cookies other than Uy qué lindo, you can do so in your browser settings. If you disable marketing cookies, you may still see online advertising, but the ads you see will not be tailored to your interests. As functional cookies are necessary for our Online Platform to function, they are set to be 'always on' and cannot be disabled.
Your preferences are stored for each Oops, how cute domain. Disabling cookies in a domain (for example, does not mean that they are also automatically disabled in other domains.

How can you control the use of cookies?

Your browser settings. You can manage your cookie settings and delete cookies included in the browser you use. Please note that the settings must be adjusted separately for each browser on each device you use. Please note that our first-party cookies play an important role in our services. If you choose not to accept them, this could affect the availability and functionality of some of the features that make our Online Platform attractive and easy to use (for example, if you disable these cookies, you may have to log in each visit). You can follow the instructions provided by your browser on how to accept, delete or reject cookies:
Third party cookies. To manage third-party cookies, you can visit the web pages either These web pages allow you to block specific third-party cookies. You can also visit the web pages of third parties to understand and control the cookie settings of each one of them.

Could this Cookie Policy be modified?

We may modify or supplement this Cookie Policy. We strive to keep our cookie information up to date, but we want to emphasize that cookie descriptions are always just snippets. Due to the constant innovation of our Online Platform and the fact that the internet and the different parties involved are continually changing, it is possible that the information in this Cookies Policy is not completely up to date.


For questions related to this Cookies Policy and the use of cookies on our Online Platform, you can always contact us by sending an email to