The properties of polymer clay allow you to work on a very detailed project in stages without the need to fire the pieces immediately, as the clay requires firing to consolidate its components.
If you need to fire your pieces at a later time, cover them with cling film or store them in a container where lint will not come in contact with the surface. Another way to protect them is to brush them with a little cornstarch to prevent other particles from sticking to them and then cover them. Before baking you can remove the excess. You can also place aluminum foil trays that you can then take to the oven, as they will help the temperature to be evenly distributed.
Si necesitas cocer tus piezas en otro momento, cúbrelas con film de cocina o guárdalas en un recipiente en donde la pelusa no entre en contacto con la superficie. Otra forma de protegerlas es pasar una brocha con un poco de almidón de maiz para que no se adhieran otras partículas y luego cubrir. Antes de hornear puedes retirar el exceso. También colocar bandejas de papel de aluminio que luego puedas llevar al horno, pues facilitarán que la temperatura se distribuya uniformemente.